
Health Insurance: What Are the Benefits?

Health Insurance

What benefits can be obtained from subscribing to health insurance?

Health insurance is not compulsory: in order to use the national health service it is sufficient to be in possession of a health card, issued by the competent authorities.

Despite the valid services provided by the national health system , subscribing to NPI health insurance  can represent a valid and far-sighted choice, even on the territory.

Because subscribing to health insurance is also convenient in Italy

Some countries – the best known case is that of the United States – require health insurance to be compulsory. A citizen without a specific insurance fund cannot access medical care, except by supporting (out of his own pocket) the costs necessary for the treatment. In Italy the system is radically different: every citizen or foreigner residing in the area can access emergency medical care  by paying a ticket, that is a small controlled contribution for the service. The same goes for specialist visits and diagnostic tests carried out in public facilities: the payment of a variable amount ticket will also be required for these services , although there are large groups of exempt citizens.

However, getting sick comes at a cost. Hospital admissions come at  a price; furthermore, lack of income during periods of illness can put a strain on a family unit. For this reason, some health insurance companies provide for the  reimbursement of expenses incurred during hospitalization , and the provision of a daily allowance  for each day of convalescence following hospitalization.

For long periods of illness, a policy with this type of benefit can prove to be an indispensable support, capable of helping to balance the family budget even in a period of great difficulty.

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With health insurance you can reduce waiting times

Unfortunately, the NHS may require long waiting times  for a specialist visit or a non-routine diagnostic test. For this reason, many Italians prefer to rely on private structures; of course, the cost is higher than the public service, although on average waiting times are shorter.

However, if you prefer to intervene promptly and not wait for the long waiting times of the NHS, with health insurance you can rely, for example, on a private affiliated structure for surgery and / or hospitalization following an accident or illness, while your insurance company will pay the benefits directly. 

By making sure, you can get assistance even outside the hospital

Better structured health insurances also offer a comprehensive patient care service.

Let’s talk about pre and post hospitalization assistance : for example, you may need transport to and from the hospital, or some rehabilitation physiotherapy session following a trauma. Or, again, you may need a doctor at home, urgently: all these services (and many others) are included in Helvetia’s MyHealth policy .

Helvetia MyHealth insurance: why choose it?

As we have seen, although the health system offers valid services, basically free and universal, a good health policy can really help you in times of difficulty. Helvetia MyHealth insurance includes:

  • reimbursement of expenses for hospitalizations, interventions, day hospital following illnesses or accidents;
  • first health care even abroad;
  • in the case of an insured new parent, the coverage of the newborn is included for the first year in the event that further hospitalizations are required in the Nursing Home or surgery for the elimination or correction of malformations, illnesses, accidents;
  • daily hospital allowance of € 120 (for a maximum of 180 days of hospitalization) if the hospitalization is paid for by the NHS;
  • dental care following an injury including;
  • affiliated medical centers with direct payment by the insurance company;
  • active assistance 24 hours a day, with emergency medical dispatch, affiliated physiotherapist, transport to and from the hospital, transport by ambulance.
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The International Second Opinion program is also available , useful for those wishing to request a second opinion on their health problems. Using this program you can get a second opinion in a short time, thanks to the specialized doctors of our network.

A varied proposal of health insurance

To find out more about Helvetia’s proposal relating to health insurance , we recommend that you contact one of our consultants: he will be able to explain to you every single guarantee included in the contract.

If you want to know more about Helvetia’s health insurance proposals, we recommend that you carefully read the information sets that you find on the pages dedicated to insurance proposals: you will find all the information you need!

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