
Myth and Facts About Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Myth and Facts About Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

A common myth about erectile dysfunction is that it is a sexually transmitted disease, but that’s simply not true. Over 30 percent of men have it, and yet, it’s still a shame to talk about it. There are many common misconceptions about treatment options for this condition. Hopefully, this article will clear up those myths. Let’s start by defining the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Erection dysfunction

Some men may think that their inability to achieve an erection is related to a change in their physical appearance or their wife’s declining interest in sex. However, it’s not always that simple. Several factors can contribute to a man’s inability to achieve an erection, including fatigue, stress, low testosterone, or even clinical depression. The following are facts about erectile dysfunction treatment.

While erectile dysfunction (ED) is commonly found in older men, it can strike men of all ages. In fact, one in four men suffer from the disorder, while fifteen percent are in their 20s. Many factors are responsible for the onset of ED, including age, diet, and lifestyle. In addition to genetics, lifestyle choices and hormone levels can all play a role in erectile dysfunction.


Various physical conditions, such as coronary artery disease and high blood pressure, can cause erectile dysfunction. Both of these conditions alter the nervous and vascular systems of the body. High blood pressure affects erectile function and can result in damaged blood vessels throughout the body. Often, men with erectile dysfunction are unaware they have a problem until it is too late. In some cases, a doctor may simply not be aware of the condition and may refer the patient to a cardiologist.

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A medical condition such as prostate cancer may cause erectile dysfunction, as the prostate is located close to important nerves in the penis. Surgery on the bowel may also cause ED, as it may lead to the loss of skin sensation and the sacral reflex, which controls the muscles in the pelvic floor. Various types of major surgery may cause impotence, including a spinal cord injury, pelvic injury, and bowel disorders.


Most men experience erectile dysfunction at one time or another, but some of the most common treatments for ED can cure it. A doctor can diagnose ED by conducting a quick test, such as the five-question International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). ED can also be a sign of other health problems, such as diabetes or clogged blood vessels. Fortunately, there are now many treatments for ED, including Fildena Double 200 oral medications, erectile prosthetic implants, and even psychological treatments.

Lifestyle changes and dietary changes can help improve ED. The American Urological Association has published updated guidelines for treating ED in 2018. Lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, quitting smoking, and reducing stress are all common ways to improve a man’s erectile function. And although these measures are a great start, they may not work for every man. Some men may need further testing to determine the exact cause of their ED.


Before diagnosing ED, a doctor will perform a physical exam to rule out any underlying health problems. He may focus on the health of the genitals, cardiovascular function, blood pressure, and prostate. A rectal exam is not painful. The doctor may also perform a blood test to look for underlying medical conditions. If the patient has symptoms that do not improve with treatment, he or she may be recommended to undergo lifestyle changes.

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Treatment for ED may include a Vidalista 40 oral medication or surgery. Some doctors may refer you to a urologist to pursue surgical or non-surgical methods. Other treatment options include psychological counseling and hormone replacement therapy. Each method has its pros and cons. A medical professional will determine which treatment is best for your individual case. Regardless of your specific situation, there are many options available. Once you identify the causes of your ED, you can choose the treatment that will work the best for you.

Prescription medication

The American College of Physicians recommends patients choose their own medicine for erectile dysfunctions (ED). However, the choice of medication may depend on lifestyle, costs, and other factors. In addition, not all “natural” medicines are safe, and combining prescribed medications with alternative remedies can cause serious side effects. It is therefore important to discuss the choice of medicine with your health care provider and never order medicine without first consulting a physician.

Depending on the severity of the problem, you may be treated by a medical specialist. For instance, a urologist may perform non-surgical treatments like injections. A psychiatrist might be consulted for psychiatric problems, or you may opt for a specialized diet or a lifestyle change. Prescription medications may come in the form of over-the-counter medicines, herbal supplements, or even illegal substances. To know more just visit

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