
Blueing’s ten best football players

Bling’s Top 10 Footy Boots list shows players who want to match their soccer boots with their cars, watches and ladies: shiny, shiny and shiny!

Who wore his Bling as a badge of honor and who was the first god of Bling? Only our list can tell you which boots add damage and wealth – so let the Bling Begin! Arsenal midfielder Dixon was charged for wearing Brook’s football boots (a skill known as “football boots”), but in his first game, he scored the highest goal when he gave goalkeeper Seaman up to 30 yards. . Hopefully nba중계 is important. Dixon points out that sometimes players shine in front of everyone!

Lionel Messi – The Next Big Throw

Best known as the next Maranon, Messi plays for Barcelona, ​​but it has been rumored that Inter Milan have offered a transfer of 71 million pounds, which could see Bring rise to World Bling!

Stan Bowles – Ruler of Beings

The 70-year-old Derrick, who was desperately trying to secure double sponsorship by wearing Goals and side football boots in the 1978 England-Netherlands match and a blue tactical model.

Alan Boora – Vintage Blind

The 60 -year -old became the first player to wear white football boots at the start of the 1970/77 season. Hummel makes them, but he doesn’t like football. Luckily it will rain one day. And black comes in. I wasn’t happy to see Hummel, the representative saw what I was doing, so I said goodbye to both of them. “

Frank Lamped – Bulag Kong!

Wear selected Adidas Predator shoes with the team name and number sewn on it. Unconfirmed reports say that means Lamprey knows what football boots he owns. We can confirm that the story that Lombard also had an “L” and an “R” sewn on his football boots is certainly wrong, as Frank knew his right and left for months.

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Jirbal Cuisse – Multicolored Blues

In a match that Cases didn’t shoot while he was playing for Liverpool, he came up with weird colored shoes. He moved on after half an hour to make a suitable pair, but he made lime green soccer shoes. She can change her hair color as easily as a football box. He pushed it into the field using a Hummer H2 with a Louis Button inside.

Francesco Totti – Mr. Bling

After the World Cup final, Dilator designed the Maxim us Italia Gold Special Edition Limited Edition football boots, the all -time World Cup gold winner, which, when worn, must be checked behind a window to avoid excessive glare and blinding.

George Best – Godfather of Billing

He was the best player of his generation and, as a first -time footballer, he set the standard for modern players in many ways. Styli “George Best” football boots look like bowling shoes with white stripes from head to toe. His champagne lifestyle and Bluing’s love of football were gone, shortening his career.

Ronaldinho – Prince of the Blind

Ronaldinho has two pairs of special football boots with eight 24 -carat gold and 24 -carat gold stamped with the Nike logo. The football boots have the gold letter “R” and the number ten, a shirt worn by Ronaldinho in Barcelona, ​​while nba 중계 heels are adorned with five gold stars in honor of winning the FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

 David Beckham – Becoming King

I paid him up to £ 600 per pair and he brought a new pair into the game. Adidas only makes 723 pairs and in size alone. He also has a canine shoo mark sewn on his football boots to improve his football performance.

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The character he helped was rooted in David’s interest in Eastern mystical culture, saying, “I’m very proud to wear those football boots because they represent the concept of yin and yang.”

They chose to sew the names of his three children, the first, his favorite number 23 and Beckham’s signature printing the last Bling factor.

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