
What Should You Know About Wisdom Teeth

Have you ever thought about why we have wisdom teeth? What exactly is an impacted wisdom tooth? Or whether you should get your wisdom teeth extracted? Then you’ve arrived to the correct location. These and other questions are addressed in this post. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about wisdom teeth.

What exactly are wisdom teeth?

The final pair of molars, the teeth situated at the very back of the mouth, are known as wisdom teeth. These normally emerge after the rest of the adult teeth have established themselves in the mouth. Most people’s wisdom teeth emerge from beneath the gum line in their late teens to early twenties, causing varied degrees of discomfort.

What is the purpose of wisdom teeth?

An additional pair of molars would have been useful for crushing and chewing uncooked and difficult-to-tear food in the past. Many anthropologists believe that this is why many individuals still have wisdom teeth grow in, despite the fact that our food consumption no longer need an extra set of teeth. Some people do not develop wisdom teeth at all, which is thought to be because humans no longer have an evolutionary need for them.

What causes wisdom teeth to grow in crooked?

It is a common misconception that all wisdom teeth grow in crookedly. Many times, wisdom teeth grow in completely straight and can contribute to the mouth as a healthy extra set of teeth. They do not need to be removed when this happens. However, wisdom teeth frequently come in crooked, and the reason for this varies depending on the exact mouth they are developing into and each person’s genetics.

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What happens if your wisdom teeth are crooked?

When wisdom teeth come in crooked, they have a greater chance of causing problems for the teeth around them. This implies that the misplaced tooth may cause crowding, damage to neighbouring teeth, and possibly jaw and nerve injury. Wisdom teeth that endanger the health of the remainder of the mouth should be skillfully removed.

What exactly is a wisdom tooth that has been impacted?

An impacted wisdom tooth is one that cannot break through the gum line because it is obstructed by another tooth or teeth. There is insufficient space for the wisdom teeth to emerge, which can cause significant discomfort or even severe agony. If an impacted wisdom tooth manages to push through the small area available before being extracted, it can cause gum injury, infection, and damage to the jaw line or neighbouring teeth.

How are wisdom teeth extracted?

Each case is unique, and the procedure’s simplicity is determined by how grown the tooth is, whether it has burst through the gum line, and how much harm it has caused to the rest of the mouth. Your dentist will explain your individual condition to you, including what to expect throughout the operation.

Wisdom teeth that have burst through the gum line are readily removed, which is why your dentist may choose to postpone the extraction until this occurs. When the wisdom teeth is implanted in the bone, one of the most complex removal techniques is required since the tooth must be removed in sections. In any event, a local anaesthetic will be used to the region of the mouth that is being operated on, and your dentist may elect to use sedation as well to make you comfortable.

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How long does it take to recover after wisdom teeth extraction?

The length of healing varies from person to person, with a full recovery taking anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. During this period, it’s critical to carefully follow your dentist’s instructions and avoid hurting the region or destroying sutures with strong foods, beverages, and suction. Non-dissolving sutures will be removed roughly one week following the treatment. Not shortly after the treatment, your dentist will arrange a visit with you to examine how well you are recovering and will keep you updated on your progress.

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