
Buddhist and Famous Phrases About Karma

The fact that karma is real is indisputable. You can call it that, or you can call it in a simpler way, but the truth is that your actions have an effect (positive or negative) that will fall on you. And this is what we can extract from the following phrases on Buddhist karma.

  • All those things that you throw into the river go around the world until they return to their starting point.
  • Love with all your might, and karma will find you a reciprocated love.
  • Do not be cruel to people, because sometimes those people reappear in your life when you least expect it.
  • If you made the mistake, stop making excuses not to rectify it.
  • A spirit that does not hate is a free spirit.
  • A bad attitude burns you inside; a good attitude revives your soul.
  • Our rewards are proportional to our contributions.
  • If everyone paid with the same currency, the human being would soon become extinct.
  • This pain that you witness is the living portrait of the pain that you emitted in the past.
  • Be positive, and positive things will come.
  • Sincerity hurts, but lies condemn and kill.
  • The one who judges you is actually revealing a very unhealthy envy.
  • Karma, beyond imposing a penance on us, opens the doors of benevolence for us.
  • Charity is the most comforting sensation for the soul.
  • Do not forget that if you hurt a person, karma will follow you until you heal his wounds yourself.
  • Love comes to your home whenever love comes out of your home.
  • Karma Sayings does not consist of any supreme entity that rules our lives; plain and simple it is the reflection of our conscience.
  • A person filled with anger has everything to lose.
  • If you chose a bad path, it is better to go back and rectify than to be a stubborn person and walk to suffer eternally.
  • Turning away from greed revitalizes you inside.
  • If they hurt you, karma will be hard on them; but if you come, he will also be forceful with you.
  • You can’t choose the outcome, but you can choose the path to the outcome.
  • Spit anger on your surroundings and all you will breathe is anger.
  • Good karma is responsible for your reaching the top.
  • Thinking badly is dangerous, because it often brings evil.
  • If he isn’t friendly with you, it’s because you weren’t friendly with him in the past.
  • If you want her to be happy, stop staring at your navel so much and worry about her happiness.
  • Even though I’d give them back the shit they put me through, I don’t want karma to get mad at me too.
  • If you do favors and do not demand anything in return, you will see how fate rewards you very generously.
  • Time to time, for all those who believe that karma is not real.
  • No matter how bad everything goes for you, never give up. In the end, success will smile on you.
  • With a negative attitude, dilemmas will invade you, while with a positive attitude; ways to solve them will invade you.
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